You must grant the appropriate Options User Permissions to the Users who are responsible for managing or editing System, Security, or Course options, or those Users who need to view online help You can grant all Options-related permissions by granting the Manage Options User Permission, or you can grant or deny specific Options-related sub permissions as needed.
You can grant permissions to edit certain Configuration Option defaults by granting the Edit LearnCenter Page Properties User Permission, or you can grant or deny specific sub permissions as needed.
On the ControlPanel:
Each permission is described below.
Permission | Description |
Manage Options |
Grant this permission to Users who are responsible for managing or editing System, Security, or Course options, or those Users who need to view online help. This permission category is typically granted to System Admins who need access to all of the sub permissions below. |
View Online Help |
Enables Users to view Online Help. If you deny this permission, Users will not have access to the online help, and they will not see the online help icon on ControlPanel pages. |
View Management Links |
You must grant this permission to all Users who need the ability to make changes to the LearnCenter, manage Users, or administer training. Without this permission, Users cannot access the ControlPanel or other administrative functionality. Note: If a User has been granted this permission, the Management login link appears after the User logs in. |
Manage LearnCenter Security |
You must grant this permission to Users who are responsible for determining general Security Options such as whether Users are required to log in or whether new Users require approval to enter the site, setting the Login Lockout feature, setting the LearnCenter and Admin |
Manage Course Options |
You must grant the Manage Course Options User Permission to Admins who are responsible for managing Course Options. (ControlPanel > Options > Course) |
Edit System Options |
You must grant the Edit System Options User Permission to Users who are responsible for editing options on the System Options page of the root LearnCenter. Without this permission, Users cannot make changes to System Options or other administrative functionality. |
View System Registry |
You must grant this permission to Users who need the ability to view the system registry. Without this permission,Users cannot view the system registry. |
Manage Configuration Options |
You must grant this permission to Users who need the ability to determine Configuration Options. Without this permission, Users cannot manage Configuration Options. |
Each permission is described below.
Permission |
Description |
Edit LearnCenter Page Properties |
Grant this permission to any User responsible for editing LearnCenter the basic elements of the , such as Time Zone or contact information. This permission is typically assigned to System Admins. Note: You will not have access to the Configuration Options item in the Options menu if you do not select at least one of the following sub permissions. If you select Edit User Signup Requirements or Edit Left Nav Bar Elements, you will also need to select Manage LearnCenter Security. |
Edit LearnCenter Title and Description |
Enables Users to make changes to the LearnCenter title and short and long descriptions in the Details panel of the Configuration Options page. This permission is typically assigned to System Admins. If you deny this permission, Users will not be able to make changes to the LearnCenter title and descriptions. |
Edit User Contact Accounts |
Enables Users to make changes in the Contacts/Communications panel of on the Configuration Options page. The fields in this panel enable Admins to update the LearnCenter contact information, such as the Admin, Student, Technical, or LearnCenter contacts accessible from the Com System. This permission is typically assigned to System Admins. If you deny this permission, Admins will not be able to make changes to the LearnCenter contact information. |
Edit User Signup Requirements |
Enables Admins to make changes to the Require Signup Approval check box on the Security Options page. This permission is typically assigned to System Admins. If you deny this permission, Admins will not be able to make changes to this check box. |
Edit Left Nav Bar Elements |
Enables Users to change the elements that display on the Left Nav Bar, such as chat rooms and forums, in the Optional Left Navigation Bar Elements panel of the Configuration Options page. If you deny this permission, Users will not be able to change the Left Nav Bar elements. This permission is typically granted to Content Admins or the Users responsible for the design of the LearnCenter Interface. |
Edit Time Zone Properties |
Enables Users to edit the time zone properties for the LearnCenter in the Time Zone Properties panel of the Configuration Options page. If you deny this permission, Users will not be able to change the time zone properties. This permission is typically assigned to System Admins. |
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